Friday, June 12, 2009

First Post

Well, this is my first post on this blog. I know that I should have done this a lot sooner, but I guess I just never got around to it. Anyways, Last week I was a part of a demonstration for an organization called JCOC (Join Civilian Operations Command) that was suppose to show them the capabilities of the various units at Kirtland Air Force Base. This included a demonstration by a couple of actual PJ's and CRO's (Combat Rescue Officers) from the PJ school house. My part, along with 7 other guys was playing the role of an opposing force (OPFOR). My specific task was to lay down cover via throwing smoke grenades in front of our group. I've got a picture of us in what we dubbed "The Haji-mobile", basically a HMMV with all of us in the back with our weapons.

Also, I just got back from being in the field for six days helping out with Junior Team's Tactics block of instruction. Basically this entailed camping out for 6 days and playing survivors for the teams at night, and doing details for the instructors during the day. Overall, it was pretty fun. During the 6 days we were there, the intsructors found and killed about 5 rattlesnakes. Then they gave them to us to skin, gut, and make jerky out of them. I'll post some pictures of our camp site and me gutting a snake on here as well.

Another thing that is going on, is that I am spinning up (getting ready) for my next and final course to start, PJ-U. We take a mandatory PT test (the AFSOC) on this upcoming Tuesday. plus all of us who have a birthday sometime during the course have to get another flight physical before the start, and i have a dental and eye exam next week as well.

Well, that's all that I've got right now. Wish me luck on the AFSOC.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog for the first timer! I enjoyed reading your activities. How did the rattlesnake jerkey? Wishing you lots of luck on the AFSOC.
