Sunday, June 28, 2009

First Week Done!

Hey Everyone,

Well, I've made it through the first week of PJ-U. And it was awesome. The first day was spent learning the history of Pararescue and going to the armory to get our weapons assigned and learning about both the M-9 Beretta 9mm pistol and the M-4 rifle. Tuesday and Wednesday was all about shooting the pistol. We learned how to properly draw the pistol from the holster, how to shoot it standing still, in different positions, during tactical movements, on the move. and even one handed. On Thursday and Friday we spent the time shooting the M-4. Again we learned how to shoot it in different positions, during tactical movements, on the move. Also, we learned how to manipulate both weapons if there is a malfunction, or if we have to reload. We also learned how to do what are called transitions. This is where if the rifle goes down due to a malfunction of runs out of ammunition and the enemy is closing the distance at a rate where we can't get the rifle going again, we switch to the pistol. On Friday, we also got to fire the "burst" mode on the M-4, where instead of 1 bullet for each trigger pull, it's 3 bullets per trigger pull. Another thing that we learned was what to do if we find ourselves face to face with an enemy less than 1 meter in front of us. We would basically have to shoot from the hip, quite literally, in order to kill the enemy.

Next week, we start night shooting. On Monday though, there is a camera crew coming to video tape us for the new Pararescue recruiting video. Also, we have been informed that we have to move to the PJ-U dorms on the other side of base by the end of next week. This upcoming week is also the last week for the Weapon Phase of PJ-U. After this is Land Navigation. That should be "fun".

Well, that's it for now, I've uploaded some videos of us on the range on to the page; hope you enjoy them.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Getting Ready

Hey everyone, just wanted to let everyone know that I passed the AFSOC test this last Tuesday. The results for my test were: 63 sit-ups in 2min; 68 push-ups ins 2min; 14 pull-ups in 2 min; three (3) mile run 22:05min; and 1500 meter swim/fin in 25:38min; total score is 550/700 putting me in the "excellent" category.

Things have been progressing pretty fast this week. As said above, the AFSOC was on Tuesday, and today one of the officers had to take his AFSOC, then we went to our logistics building and to what we call VIDMARS (basically our equipment locker room). While there, we got issued our equipment that will be needed for team. This includes a new CSAR ruck, body armor, Kevlar helmet, tactical vests and much much more. Also, once we were done with getting our equipment, we went to the Medical Equipment Packing room to make a bunch of things for our rucks. This involved making bags full of equipment needed to secure a person's airway (such as an ET (Endotracheal) tube), Bleeding packs to help stop a person's bleed like a tourniquet and bandages. Also we made IV start kits that had IV fluids, needles, IV tubing, and other things necessary to give an IV. Once done with that, we were released for the day and were able to grab some lunch, but we had to go back to VIDMARS to pack our rucks with the medical kits we made. Once that was done, then we were able to go home.

Tomorrow, the team is going on a trail run in the morning, then we have a team car wash to raise money for the team fund, and some guys are going to the Senior team's graduation tomorrow night as well (though I'm not). Then starting on Monday, we officially start PJ-U as team 09-003. We will be starting our first block of instruction as well on Monday; this will include a history lesson of the Pararescue community, then flow into weapons training.

Here is what the layout of PJ-U is:

Weapons Training
Land Navigation
PJ Medicine-3 weeks with one being in San Antonio, TX
Tactics-3 weeks with one spent in the field
Mountain Rescue-
Air/Water Operations-mostly at Patrick AFB in Coco Beach, FL
Field Training Exercises (FTX)
Graduation- Sometime in December

Well, that's about it for right now. I'll keep you updated as much as I can about whats going on in training, and try to put some more pictures up as well.

Friday, June 12, 2009

First Post

Well, this is my first post on this blog. I know that I should have done this a lot sooner, but I guess I just never got around to it. Anyways, Last week I was a part of a demonstration for an organization called JCOC (Join Civilian Operations Command) that was suppose to show them the capabilities of the various units at Kirtland Air Force Base. This included a demonstration by a couple of actual PJ's and CRO's (Combat Rescue Officers) from the PJ school house. My part, along with 7 other guys was playing the role of an opposing force (OPFOR). My specific task was to lay down cover via throwing smoke grenades in front of our group. I've got a picture of us in what we dubbed "The Haji-mobile", basically a HMMV with all of us in the back with our weapons.

Also, I just got back from being in the field for six days helping out with Junior Team's Tactics block of instruction. Basically this entailed camping out for 6 days and playing survivors for the teams at night, and doing details for the instructors during the day. Overall, it was pretty fun. During the 6 days we were there, the intsructors found and killed about 5 rattlesnakes. Then they gave them to us to skin, gut, and make jerky out of them. I'll post some pictures of our camp site and me gutting a snake on here as well.

Another thing that is going on, is that I am spinning up (getting ready) for my next and final course to start, PJ-U. We take a mandatory PT test (the AFSOC) on this upcoming Tuesday. plus all of us who have a birthday sometime during the course have to get another flight physical before the start, and i have a dental and eye exam next week as well.

Well, that's all that I've got right now. Wish me luck on the AFSOC.